Worship. Community. Outreach.


Hebron Lutheran Church enjoys a traditional approach to word and sacrament. We are blessed to have a beautiful building and organ for conducting worship. Hebron uses Zoom as a communications platform for sharing our worship experience with those unable to attend Sunday worship in person. We continue to upgrade our equipment to provide better presentation. However, our aging membership is making it necessary to visit more of our members to share the sacraments and Christian fellowship.


Hebron is a community of believers that enjoys getting together. Historically, Hebron has gathered to share meals. These include our Fifth Sunday dinners right after the church service, Lenten soup meals, Shrove Tuesday Pancake supper, Germana Homecoming Lunch, celebrations of life, summer picnics, and Thanksgiving dinners. The fellowship of a Christian community is a key component to the welfare of both the church in general and our members. We rely on each other to help us through the difficult times and celebrate our joys. Our Parish House provides a physical space for serving meals and holding meetings.


Hebron has several programs that provide for the less fortunate members of the Madison community and beyond. These include Loaves and Fishes that provides meals for elementary school-age children. The quilters provide beautiful quilts to people in Appalachia. The quilters are a good example of both fellowship and outreach.  Hebron shares our history with many visitors who are tracking family lineages. Our library is used by historians and people conducting genealogical research. Hebron Lutheran Church sponsors a Fall Bazaar which has objectives of attracting local people to the potential of Hebron and as a fund-raiser. Our Christmas Angel Tree traditionally provides gifts for children and families who would not, otherwise, have gifts. Hebron provides meeting space for AA.