Angel Tree

Christmas is a time for giving! For over fifteen years, Hebron has partnered with Madison County Social Services providing Christmas gifts to local families in need. Each December our church coordinates with Social Services, receiving anonymous information about families whom we could help. The information is age and gender specific (e.g. an 8-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy).  The list also includes each child’s “Wish” items (e.g. a skateboard) and their “Need” items (e.g. socks and winter gloves). Set up in the church narthex, each of the Angel Tree’s ornaments displays one of the requested gifts. Congregation members select an ornament, purchase the gift, and place it underneath the tree. Prior to Christmas Day, Hebron delivers all of the gifts to Social Services for their subsequent distribution to the families.

Angel Tree Luncheon

Initiated by Hebron Lutheran Church in 2016, the Angel Tree Luncheon is an annual gathering that collects items for the mothers of the school-age Angel Tree recipients. Held at a member’s home in December, all women from the church are invited to attend and bring a luncheon dish and a gift item for these mothers. Example gifts include dish towels, kitchen utensils, bathroom toiletries, hand lotion, and bath soap. These unwrapped gifts are distributed and re-packaged so that each mother receives her own box of items. These gifts for the mothers are given to the recipients’ families along with the children’s gifts.